Oh hello there.
It's a lovely friday evening where I am. I have been having some weird stomach issues. I think it is linked to stress and some bad nights of drinking a bit too much wine. It's been good for appetite suppression, but for overall well being. I need to get to the bottom of what's stressing me out.
Let's see....I am stressed from:
1. Upcoming trip.
2. Leaving my dog and boyfriend for 2 months.
3. Stomach pains.
4. Tying up the loose ends for my trip (paying bills, shutting off internet, etc.)
5. My future.
I need to stop stressing out about my future. I know my trip will be fun and I need to stop stressing about it.
I need to get a grip on reality. My boyfriend loves me and is not going to cheat on me while I am gone. BUT I am too insecure and scared. Why? I don't know why. Because my past demons won't leave me alone. Not all guys cheaters, but I just assume so.
I look in the mirror and I think "Why would anyone love me?"
I am not beautiful like the rest. I am not inspiring or special.
I am just me. Sad, pathetic me.
Well this turned out to be such a pity party of a post.
Don't let me poopy mood get you down, it's Friday night! And like Rebecca Black says, it's the best night of the week. All the cool kids go out on Friday.